
Programme 2022

20 janvier 2022 - 9h30 - 12h00

Conseil de laboratoire

Conseil de laboratoire

2 janvier 2022 - Toute la journée

Sybille de Pury nous a quittés le 2 janvier

Sybille, chercheure au CNRS, fut parmi les membres fondateurs de l’équipe de recherche qui deviendra plus tard le Centre d’Etudes des Langues Indigènes d’Amérique (CELIA). Elle entre au CNRS dans les années 70 et y restera jusqu’à sa retraite, au début des années 2000. Elle participa activement à la création de la revue Amerindia en 1976. Elle était linguiste de terrain, spécialiste du nahuatl en particulier à Tzinacapan, puis du garifuna au Belize. Elle a pratiqué pendant quelques années la médiation interculturelle en situation clinique à l’hôpital.
Hommage de ses collègues (bientôt disponible en ligne)

Programme 2021

13 décembre 2021 - 9h30 - 12h30

Soutenance de doctorat

Antonina BONDARENKO : Verbless and Zero-Predicate Sentences: An English and Russian Contrastive Corpus Study
sous la direction de Christine Bonnot et Agnès Celle

La soutenance aura lieu à 9h30 via zoom – https://univ-lille-fr.zoom.us/j/92917938272

10 décembre 2021 - 14h30 - 17h30

Séminaire doctoral – Théories et données linguistiques

Stavros Skopeteas, University of Göttingen.

Complementarity of prosody and syntax: focus and cleft clauses in French, English, German, Chinese
La conférence aura lieu via zoom
Focus constructions may appear in different arrays of contexts depending on language: while cleft constructions are associated with contrastive focus in English, they appear in a larger array of contexts in French. A part of the cross-linguistic variation is accounted for through independent differences in prosody that influence the array of focus structures that can be mapped onto the same syntactic configuration. In the present study, we compare four languages that represent different prosodic types: – languages with flexible pitch accent placement (English, German), – a language that relies on prosodic phrasing (French) and – a language with lexical tones (Mandarin Chinese). In a speech production experiment, we examine the prosodic realization of corrective focus on canonical sentences and cleft constructions and identify prosodic reflexes of focus in all languages. In a second experiment, we elicit judgments of contextual felicity of canonical and cleft constructions in contexts with different domains of corrective focus. The outcome of this experiment reveals a typological distinction between languages with flexible pitch accent placement (English, German) and languages with other types of reflexes of focus (French, Chinese). The former languages (but not the latter) use canonical constructions without contextual restrictions; the use of cleft constructions with a focus in the cleft clause (in corrective contexts) has an advantage in the former languages compared to the latter. These findings indicate that the prosodic reflexes of focus in various languages have different semantic-pragmatic import and accordingly a different impact on the array of focus structures of the same constructions in each language.

10 décembre 2021 - 14h30 - 17h30

Séminaire doctoral – Théories et données linguistiques

Animé par A. Donabédian et A. Mardale
Stavros Skopeteas, University of Göttingen.
Complementarity of prosody and syntax: focus and cleft clauses in French, English, German, Chinese

La conférence aura lieu via zoom

7 décembre 2021 - 10h00 - 12h00

Séminaire Science ouverte : enjeux et méthodes

Organisé par Natalia Caceres et Stefano Manfredi – 10h-12h

Penser les sciences ouvertes dans les suds : Mise en oeuvre de stratégies de rechercheouverte dans les pays du Sud. Jean-Christophe Desconnets, Directeur de la Mission Science Ouverte(IRD).

6 décembre 2021 - Toute la journée

Workshop Structure argumentale et continuité topicale

Inalco, rue de Lille

Structure argumentale et continuité topicale (distance référentielle et persistance topicale) Invité: Stavros Skopeteas (Université de Göttigen).

3 décembre 2021 - 14h00 - 17h00

Séminaire doctoral – Pratiques langagières – terrains, méthodes, théories

Piet van Avermaet (Ghent University)

Beyond binaries. How to integrate multilingualism and language of schooling in education?
Since the first 2000 PISA findings we know that socio-ethnic inequality in education is a tenacious and persistent problem in many European countries. In explaining this inequality language (i.e. knowledge of the dominant language) is often presented by policy makers as the main – if not the only – causal factor. This incorrect causal interpretation has strongly impacted language policy making of the last 15 years in many European countries. For almost two decades knowledge of the dominant language has been seen as the main lever for school success. However, the recent 2015 PISA-data show that the inequality gap has not been reduced. On the contrary, social inequality in education seems to have grown in some countries. Independent of the fact that schools, as social and learning spaces, are multilingual and although there is no empirical evidence for the effectiveness of an exclusive L2 submersion model, many European countries maintain a monolingual policy, whereby children have to be submersed in the dominant language as a condition for school success. This often leads to school policies and classroom practices where children’s multilingual repertoires are banned, not exploited and where children are sometimes being reproved or even punished for using their multilingual repertoire in daily school and classroom interaction. In this paper I will discuss the counterproductive effects of excluding immigrant children’s multilingual repertoires in education. I will argue for a policy where multilingualism and the acquisition of the language of schooling can be interwoven.

3 décembre 2021 - 14h00 - 17h00

Séminaire doctoral – Pratiques langagières – terrains, méthodes, théories

Animé par I. Léglise et V. Muni Toke

Piet van Avermaet (Ghent University)
Beyond binaries. How to integrate multilingualism and language of schooling in education?

INALCO, rue de Lille, salle LO.01 de 14h à 17h, la conférence sera également retransmise via zoom

Since the first 2000 PISA findings we know that socio-ethnic inequality in education is a tenacious and persistent problem in many European countries. In explaining this inequality language (i.e. knowledge of the dominant language) is often presented by policy makers as the main – if not the only – causal factor. This incorrect causal interpretation has strongly impacted language policy making of the last 15 years in many European countries. For almost two decades knowledge of the dominant language has been seen as the main lever for school success. However, the recent 2015 PISA-data show that the inequality gap has not been reduced. On the contrary, social inequality in education seems to have grown in some countries. Independent of the fact that schools, as social and learning spaces, are multilingual and although there is no empirical evidence for the effectiveness of an exclusive L2 submersion model, many European countries maintain a monolingual policy, whereby children have to be submersed in the dominant language as a condition for school success. This often leads to school policies and classroom practices where children’s multilingual repertoires are banned, not exploited and where children are sometimes being reproved or even punished for using their multilingual repertoire in daily school and classroom interaction. In this paper I will discuss the counterproductive effects of excluding immigrant children’s multilingual repertoires in education. I will argue for a policy where multilingualism and the acquisition of the language of schooling can be interwoven.

Programme 2021

23 novembre 2021 - 10h00 - 12h00

Séminaire Science ouverte : enjeux et méthodes

Organisé par Natalia Caceres et Stefano Manfredi – 10h-12h

(Re)penser les pratiques numériques : Adopter des logiciels et services libres pour une science ouverte. Mathieu Wostyn (association Globenet), Balthazar Do Nascimento (CNRS-LACITO)

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