
Programme 2022

7 octobre 2022 - 9h00 - 18h30

Journée d’études « Langue et espace social en arabophonie : entre le Nil et l’Atlantique »

Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme – MMSH, salle Duby, Aix-en-Provence et en visioconférence. Lien Zoom : https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/81846289829?pwd=bVRkMUljOVQ1ZUovdmpQNWJLbzEvZz09 / ID de réunion : 818 4628 9829 / Code secret : 869554

Organisateurs : Stefano Manfredi, chercheur CNRS / SEDYL ; Valentina Serreli, Juniorprofessorin für Arabistik, Universität Bayreuth ; Jairo Guerrero, maître de conférences, Aix-Marseille Université, IREMAM ; Jacopo Falchetta, chercheur associé à l’IREMAM ; Rosa Pennisi, chercheuse associée à l’IREMAM ; Alexandrine Barontini, maîtresse de conférences, INALCO.

Programme 2022

23 septembre 2022 - 14h00 - 17h00

Séminaire doctoral – Pratiques langagières – terrains, méthodes, théories

Animé par Isabelle Léglise et Valelia Muni Toke (INALCO, 2 rue de Lille, salle L0.01)

Samantha Goodchild (Univ. Oslo) A chronotopic-spatial approach to analysing perceptions of language practices: a case study from Essyl, Senegal

In this presentation, I will demonstrate how different conceptions of space are linked to perceptions of language practices using a case study conducted in the village of Essyl, Senegal, described by some participants and researchers as monolingual. I will show how geographical places remain salient across numerous intertwining understandings of space, encompassing social space (Lefebvre 2000), spatial repertoires (Pennycook & Otsuji 2015), sociolinguistic space (Juillard 2016) and chronotopes (Bakhtin 1981). The complexity of lived time-spaces will be explored, examining participants’ mobility histories and how linguistic repertoires are constituted and evoked in interactions, also with reference to absent times and spaces. The project was carried out using an ethnographic-based methodology with a novel approach to analysis, termed ‘the triangulation of analyses’ and using methods such as linguistic biographies, interviews and analysis of recorded linguistic practices. The study shows that the various conceptions of place and space should all be taken into account in order to understand how the perception of societal monolingualism in Essyl pervades at the same time as individual multilingualism. I will conclude that a chronotopic-spatial approach reveals how perceptions and ideologies of monolingualism and multilingualism are not two fixed oppositions, but rather exist in a constantly evolving dialectical relationship.

5 septembre 2022
9 septembre 2022 - Toute la journée


Le séminaire FieldLing (International Week-long School in Linguistic Fieldwork) se tiendra à l’INALCO PLC. Programme

1 septembre 2022
7 septembre 2022 - Toute la journée


Le séminaire intensif Sociolinguistique du Multilinguisme aura lieu du 1er au 7 septembre à l’INALCO au PLC. Programme.

1 septembre 2022 - Toute la journée

Séjours de recherche au laboratoire

Samantha Goodchild (Univ. Oslo) sera au SeDyL du 1er au 24 septembre 2022

Kelly Nascimento Day (Univ do Estado do Amapa) a obtenu une bourse de postdoctorat pour travailler au SeDyL à partir du 1er septembre 2022

Serey Sok (Université Royale de Phnom Penh) sera au SeDyL du 17 au 30 septembre 2022


Programme 2022

23 juin 2022
24 juin 2022 - 9h30 - 17h00

Journées d’étude de l’Axe 3

Topic persistence and topical accessibility – Programme

22 juin 2022
24 juin 2022 - Toute la journée

Université d’été EUR FRAPP

Programme Université d’été FRAPP 2022

20 juin 2022 - 9h30 - 17h00

Workshop on Family Language Policy

14 juin 2022 - 10h00 - 12h00

Multilingual language contact

dans le cadre des projets Labex VC4/5 INALCO PLC 5.24 – 10h Conférence de Kofi Yakpo (University of Hong Kong)

Research on language change has privileged neat approaches: genetic over areal relations, internal over external causes, a discrete over a fuzzy notion of linguistic boundaries, and monocausal over multicausal explanations. Suriname in the South American Guianas region epitomizes the characteristic messiness of linguistic ecologies (e.g. Migge & Léglise 2013; Yakpo & Muysken 2017). We find functionally specialized, (a)symmetrical interactions between languages; plurilingual codeswitching and multidirectional transfer lead to simultaneous borrowing and imposition and blended structures. The languages in contact in Suriname are highly diverse and include Afro- European Creoles, Indo-European, Indic, Austronesian, Sinitic, Arawakan, and Cariban. We find contact outcomes like creolization, koineization, nativization of colonial languages, language shift and death next to each other. Drawing on recent work, (Yakpo 2017b; 2017c), I will discuss how social and typological factors drive language contact, change and convergence in a type of complex ecology also found in other parts of the world (e.g. West Africa, Indonesia, India, South East Asia, Melanesia)

13 juin 2022 - 10h00 - 12h00

Areal perspectives on creole evolution

dans le cadre des projets Labex VC4/5 INALCO PLC 5.24 – 10h
Conférence de Kofi Yakpo (University of Hong Kong)
Decade-long disputes about the ontological nature of creoles have diverted resources and attention from a more pressing question: How do language families evolve and differentiate across geographic, functional-linguistic, and diachronic space when unfettered by standardization? The richly documented socio-history of creoles and abundant linguistic data hold some of the answers. I will show how the English-lexifier creoles of the Atlantic basin have been fashioned by migrations of founder populations, genealogical splits, acquisition by multilingual populations and language shift, interlectal cross-diffusion, and structural convergence with adstrate, substrate, and superstrate languages. Drawing on research on causatives (Yakpo 2017a), object pronouns (Yakpo 2019a), and copulas (Yakpo 2019b), I show how an areal perspective on creole evolution combining geography, socio-history, and linguistic analysis can inform our understanding of contact and change in the absence of institutional language engineering.

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