
Programme 2022

7 juin 2022
10 juin 2022 - Toute la journée

Séminaire en immersion

L’ensemble du laboratoire se réunira du 7 au 10 juin 2022.

3 juin 2022 - 10h00 - 12h00

Outcomes of prosodic contact

dans le cadre des projets Labex VC4/5 INALCO PLC 5.22 – 10h
Conférence de Kofi Yakpo (University of Hong Kong)
There is a widespread tendency to see tone as a crosslinguistically marked feature that gets lost in language contact (e.g. Salmons 1992; McWhorter 1998). Recent comparative work on the prosody of Afro-European contact varieties (i.e. creoles, pidgins, and nativized European languages in Africa and the Americas) shows no evidence that stress trumps tone (Bordal Steien & Yakpo 2020). Instead, Afro-European contact varieties are found along a continuum of prosodic systems ranging from tone to stress to mixed systems incorporating both. Following up on earlier research (e.g. Mintz 1971; Faraclas 2007), I discuss the macro-factors of socio-economic structure, demographic distribution and ideological superstructure in prosodic contact. Complemented by linguistic-typological factors, these have driven the outcomes of Afro-European prosodic contact. The fate of tone in Afro- European contact varieties underlines the need for caution, nuance and detailed analysis instead of broad claims relating to simplification in language contact and creolization

2 juin 2022 - 10h00 - 12h00

Social factors in language contact

dans le cadre des projets Labex VC4/5 INALCO PLC 5.24 – 10h
Conférence de Kofi Yakpo (University of Hong Kong)
Many see social factors as the most important determinants of the outcomes of language contact. Yet they are among the least theorized causes of linguistic change. Approaches either single out a specific factor without identifying its place in the bigger picture (e.g. “network density” in Trudgill 2011; or “demography” in Lupyan & Dale 2010), or are vague (e.g. “intense cultural pressure” in Thomason & Kaufman 1988). They fail to identify micro-, meso- and macro-social features and parameters and their causal relations with each other and therefore do not provide a structural analysis of social systems in determining contact outcomes. In this lecture, I will attempt to develop a multi-layered view of social factors in language contact, focusing on demography and socio-economic stratification, two factors that appear to be particularly relevant.

Programme 2022

30 mai 2022 - Toute la journée

Séjour de recherche au laboratoire

Kofi Yakpo (Univ Hong Kong) sera au SeDyL du 30 mai au 15 juin

30 mai 2022 - Toute la journée

Conseil de laboratoire

Audition des doctorant.e.s

24 mai 2022 - 9h30 - 17h00

40 ans autour de la notion de Pratiques langagières

Journée d’étude
Maison de la Recherche de l’INALCO – 9h30-17h00

-> Programme
-> Pré-inscription

23 mai 2022 - 9h30 - 17h00

Resistance in Family Language Practices

Journée d’étude
Org. Suat Istanbullu
Maison de la Recherche de l’INALCO – 9h30-17h00

-> Programme

20 mai 2022 - 9h00 - 11h00

Séminaire de recherche – Axe 2

Outre-mer et recherche en sciences sociales : jeux d’échelles et de souverainetés
Alexis VRIGNON (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, ITEM) : « Les mémoires des essais nucléaires en Polynésie française. Bilan et perspectives de recherche »

Discutante : Sarah Mohamed-Gaillard (INALCO, CESSMA)
Masquer la description

Inscription : https://framaforms.org/seminaire-outre-mer-vendredi-20-mai-2022-1641894746

13 mai 2022 - 14h30 - 17h30

Séminaire doctoral – Théories et données linguistiques

Animé par A. Donabédian et A. Mardale
Alice Ionescu (Université de Craiova) -> Résumé

Sjef Barbiers (Université de Leiden) -> Résumé

-> Séminaire doctoral – Théories et données linguistiques

13 mai 2022 - 14h00 - 17h00

Séminaire doctoral – Pratiques langagières – terrains, méthodes, théories

Animé par I. Léglise et V. Muni Toke
de 14h à 17h

Sophie Nakueira (Max Planck Institute for Anthropology, Leipzig)
‘Insider’ – ‘Outsider’: Positionality in Uganda’s and South Africa’s migrant spaces

Ethnographic research within migrant communities living in precarious conditions is mainly conducted by researchers from the Global North, or affiliated to research institutions located in the Global North. This raises specific methodological opportunities and challenges as well as ethical dilemmas depending on the researcher’s position in the field. Giving a global south perspective, this talk will focus on how Sophie Nakueira, a researcher affiliated with a global North institution is perceived by migrants in Uganda and South Africa. The talk will address how her positionality facilitates or constrains access to different spaces in the two countries where she conducts fieldwork. What role does gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion or class play in gaining access to migrant communities? How does one avoid or win over gatekeepers to migrant communities? These are some of the questions that will be addressed. More broadly she will discuss what her position in the field reveals about North-South relations and what the implications are for data collection as well as data validity.

-> Séminaire doctoral – Pratiques langagières – terrains, méthodes, théories

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