
Programme 2022

2 décembre 2022 - 14h00 - 17h00

Séminaire doctoral – Pratiques langagières – terrains, méthodes, théories

Animé par Isabelle Léglise et Valelia Muni Toke (INALCO, 2 rue de Lille, salle L0.01)

Stéphanie Rudwick (University of Hradec Králové) South African raciolinguistic dynamics of marginalisation and empowerment

In this talk I aim to carve out some of the complexities in the processes of marginalization taking place in South Africa due to raciolinguistic realities that are linked to the assumption that English is the putative lingua franca. At the same time, and in line with the theme of the ambiguity of all language usage I also portray how the defiance of the lingua franca status of English can be used for political empowerment by an African language speaker in a traditionally hegemonic English space. Specifically, I explain how South Africa’s ex-president, Jacob Zuma, evokes cultural, gender and linguistic identity politics by his ‘deep’ usage of the Zulu language. But I also show how the racial and raciolinguistic ideologies of English are intertwined with the discrimination of black South Africans. Selected narratives of black South Africans’ experience of the South African housing market show the limits of language against the power of race. Focusing on the domains of ambiguities rather than the domains of language usage, the discussion takes place across contexts and settings. Lastly, I discuss how some Afrikaners have embraced a problematic marginalization rhetoric by constructing what has been termed ‘subaltern whiteness’ by pitching the ‘coloniality’ of English against Afrikaner indigeneity.

2 décembre 2022 - 10h00 - 12h00

AG du SeDyL

INALCO, 2 rue de Lille

Programme 2022

25 novembre 2022 - 14h00 - 17h00

Séminaire doctoral – Pratiques langagières – terrains, méthodes, théories

Animé par Isabelle Léglise et Valelia Muni Toke (INALCO, 2 rue de Lille, salle L0.01)

Judith Purkarthofer (Univ. Duisbourg-Essen)  Transnational families as private and public encounters – Creative methods to explore lived experience of language and language policy

Families are formed along various dimensions, both biological and social, and linked by kinship processes and generational relations. Expectations of child-rearing and parental roles are highly culturally dependent and are thus subject to public discourses, for example, in mediatized discourses, blogs and online parental chat fora, and interpersonal evaluations. Family language policy research links individual cases to social evaluations and influences as it is anchored in the field of language policy: explicit and overt planning as well as ideologies and decision-making processes multilingual families engage in influences language development and use in the home. In line with current trends in language policy research, policies and practices are examined as intertwined, with practices contributing to bottom up policies.

This seminar presents research on family language policy and highlights how creative methods can foster an understanding of lived experiences of language. At the same time, the exploratory nature of such methods enables us to research the underlying understanding of what a family is and what functions are attributed to family life.

25 novembre 2022 - 10h00 - 12h00

Axe 2 – Multi-L

Animé par Isabelle Léglise (INALCO 2, rue de Lille, salle LO.01)

Etat des projets en cours

18 novembre 2022 - 14h30 - 17h30

Séminaire Théories et Données linguistiques

Animé par Alexandru Mardale et Anaïd Donabédian (INALCO, PLC salle 3.15)

Peter Arkadiev (University of Zurich) Non-canonical noun incorporation in Northwest Caucasian (with focus on Abaza)

Northwest Caucasian (NWC) languages have usually been considered to lack noun incorporation (NI). Indeed, they do not feature structures considered prototypical NI as familiar from such languages as Iroquoian or Chukotkan, where the verb optionally and productively combines with the root of its P or S argument under specific discourse conditions with consequences for transitivity and case marking. However, I argue that NWC still shows phenomena amenable to an NI analysis. These are found in the domain of the so-called spatial preverbs, many of which not only historically go back to incorporated nouns, but may be analysed as such synchronically as well, albeit under a broad understanding of NI. In my talk, I shall focus on constructions with two types of incorporated nouns in Abaza, a member of the Abkhaz-Abaza branch of NWC, i.e. body-part nouns and non-relational nouns, discussing similarities and differences in their semantics and morphosyntactic behaviour and drawing parallels from other languages of the family as well as cross-linguistically. I shall argue that Abaza and, more broadly, NWC spatial preverbs form a cline from incorporated nouns to fully grammaticalised lexical affixes, suggesting several successive stages of incorporation and ensuing affixalisation.


16 novembre 2022
18 novembre 2022 - Toute la journée

Colloque LACIM – First international conference on the languages of the Anatolia-Caucasus-Iran-Mesopotamia area

Le premier colloque international organisé par le réseau européen sur la linguistique et les langues de la zone Anatolie-Caucase-Iran-Mésopotamie (LACIM) aura lieu à l’Inalco (salles 4.24, 7.02, 3.15 et en ligne). Evénement phare du réseau, ce colloque biannuel en anglais comprendra une session plénière ainsi que des ateliers thématiques.


Connexion en ligne :

16 /11: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtceygqDIoGNX-E0f-FXWkLijrjdQmkjG-

17/11: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkduqhqjMtHNdtkeka69Z7DMqNcS2-rQc2

18/11: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkduyrrDwjE9PxgljRq3OlB8KG9WRPtTjQ


15 novembre 2022
16 novembre 2022 - Toute la journée

Renouvellement de l’accord-cadre Manusastra

La convention du projet de formation à la recherche Manusastra, porté par le SeDyL, a été renouvelée pour 2023-2027 à Phnom Penh entre les partenaires : INALCO, IRD, URBA, URPP, INE, Ambassade de France au Cambodge avec le soutien de l’AUF Asie-Pacifique.

Signature de la convention

Programme 2022

14 octobre 2022 - 14h30 - 17h30

Séminaire Théories et Données linguistiques

Animé par Alexandru Mardale et Anaïd Donabédian

Résumés_des interventions du 14 oct 2022

14 octobre 2022 - 14h00 - 17h00

Séminaire doctoral – Pratiques langagières – terrains, méthodes, théories

Animé par Isabelle Léglise et Valelia Muni Toke (INALCO, 2 rue de Lille, salle L0.01)

Quentin Williams (Univ of the Western Cape) An Accidental Missionary Linguist? How Abu Bakr Effendi influenced the future of   Kaaps

Kaaps is a latter-day language influenced by Khoe and San languages, creole Portuguese, Bazaar Malay, Kaaps-Dutch, Arabic and English. Its creole origins begin in the 1700s at the Cape Colony where travellers would hear the language of the enslaved informally used in the kitchen, on the streets, on farms and religious gatherings, and would often describe them as uttering ‘peculiar noises’ (Shell, 1994). For much of their existence in the colony, enslaved Kaaps speakers were perceived to utter peculiar noises from vulnerable bodies. Agentless and voiceless, it readily fell to other well-to-do travelers to the Cape to provide linguistic descriptions of the noisy sounds of the enslaved. And one such traveler, an accidental missionary linguist, was Abu Bakr Effendi (aka Khashnawi) (1814-1880) (see importantly, Brandel-Syrier, 1960; van Selms, 1979).

In this talk, I argue that the creole biography of Kaaps involved the transformation of peculiar noises into a coherent description of its linguistic system, and that formed part of an effort to describe and en-voice authentic linguistic practices that accurately characterises the language use of the slaves. In the first part of this talk, I discuss the Kaaps linguistic contributions of Abu Bakr Effendi. A well-respected Islamic scholar and polymath trained in Istanbul and Baghdad, Effendi arrived at the Cape in the 1800s after negotiating a deal with the Sultan of Turkey, Abd ulMajid, to support his subjugated clan. As part of the deal, the Sultan outsourced Effendi to Queen Victoria who previously begged the Sultan to “send a well-trained scholar to Africa” to quell disputes “about some points of religion” among “her Muslim subjects”. The timing of Effendi’s arrival to the Cape was propitious because he later established not only an Islamic school and Mosque, but became the first scholar to write down Kaaps-Dutch with Arabic characters (see Davids, 2011).

In the second part of my talk, I analyze the transliteration of Effendi’s Bayan ud-din (1877) from Arabic to Kaaps-Dutch. I demonstrate how Effendi’s translations on religious duties of Islam became a key text that pre-empted the development of Kaaps as a language. As Van Selms remarked: Effendi’s use of Kaaps-Dutch in phonetic Arabic was a version of “Dutch, though of a peculiar kind” that could be further characterised as “a transition form” that is not quite Dutch nor Afrikaans (van Selms, 1960: vi). I go on to demonstrate how Effendi’s translation of the Bayan ud-din serves today an important etymological source in the codification of Kaaps. By comparing his text with some textual evidence from the 2.3 million structured corpus of the Trilingual Dictionary of Kaaps, I demonstrate how Effendi’s translation constituted then a form of decolonial communication (Veronelli, 2016) that favoured not only dialogue and a system of relationality amongst the slaves but recodified the terms of en-voicing. I conclude this talk by charting important trajectories for the study of Kaaps and its linguistic future, with a focus on what the Kaaps speaker does with language, how they challenge linguistic fixities and hierarchies of language, and then internalize new epistemologies of language.

14 octobre 2022 - 10h00 - 12h00

Séminaire The Fields of the Global GRIP

Animé par Vincenzo Cicchelli (CEPED) et Isabelle Léglise (SeDyL)

Maison de la Recherche de l’INALCO, 2 rue de Lille, Salle L0.01 et via zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/97524393769

Habibul Haque Khondker (Zayed University, Abu Dhabi) : Dubai Showcasing Globalization, Abu Dhabi doing Glocalization: A Tale of Two Cities

The United Arab Emirates is a test case of national development where globalization, broadly defined, has resulted in remarkable and superlative achievements in economic and infrastructural development.  The Emirates of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, the economic hub and the political capital respectively are also the two major cities of the UAE.  As cities both Dubai, where the tallest building of the world is located and Abu Dhabi, the location of the Louvre, among other cultural hubs have attracted worldwide attention. Using the concepts of globalization and glocalization, the present paper explores the developments in Dubai and Abu Dhabi since the beginning of the new millennium. The main argument of the paper is that Dubai is pursuing globalization as a goal because of the socio-economic circumstances as Abu Dhabi is pursuing the path of glocalization for both economic and cultural developments. The paper, then reflects on the consequences of the two pathways showing some lessons in national developments as well as conceptual refinements.

Affiche Les terrains du global

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